My #1 art tip

Hello beautiful 💗

If there’s one thing I love to do, it’s sharing creativity in ways that feel accessible, fun and achievable. A couple of weeks ago, one of my art workshop participants asked me what my #1 creative tip was. Without a doubt, it’s this:

Focus on enjoying the creative process, not the end product


Why Is process art helpful?

After over 20 years as a practicing artist, I have come to understand that the way we make art, is a lot like how we approach life.

When we are only thinking ahead about what needs to be done, what we need to achieve, juggling all the balls and ticking all the boxes to get it ‘right’, we can feel scattered and overwhelmed.

However when we focus mindfully on doing one thing well, really engaging in the moment with how the art mediums feel in our hands, the flow of the pastel across the page, the sound of the insects outside our window, all wrapped up in our moment, right now, THEN we are engaged with our life.

Being present with our artistic process opens us up to all the subtle nuances that life has to offer and the beauty existing all around us.


Will my art look crappy if I’m not focussing on the end result?

Approaching creativity from a process vantage point is always the way I start and choose to stay in my creative process.

Art-making flows from our inner well into the outer world, meaning we bring depth and richness into our works by staying within our creative flow

Definitely there are artistic techniques that we can learn along the way, that help us experience resonance between our ideas and our creations. For example, learning about colour theory or how to draw nature can help us express our imaginations with artistic flair, and feel good about our creations.

But like everything in life, artistic technique comes with practice and repetition.

So, what if we let go of the idea of making a perfect artwork and instead, just made the damn art and enjoyed how it felt to play again?

Not only will we enjoy the process a whole lot more, we will be learning more gently along the way.



Learn intuitive art processes

If you’re around the Brisbane area this coming Friday night 5th March 2021, I’m sharing a beautiful, guided intuitive vision boards process in New Farm and I’d love to share my creative process with you.

Think mindful lettering, watercolour painting, intuitive collage, guided visualisation and gorgeous oracle cards, in a beautiful space with like-minded people.

There’s just one spot left to join us this soulful event, so head over to my classes page on my website to book yourself in for a nourishing night of intuitive creativity.


With love,


Chrissy Foreman | Neurodivergent Artist & Art Therapist.

The rich, scribbly bird - a poem


Living with artful integrity