Eco-printing with my Girlfriend

This weekend, my lovely girlfriend and I spent an afternoon making eco-dye-prints on paper, using plants from my garden.

Eco Printing with Soy Mordant

First I ‘mordanted’ some watercolour paper in watered down soy milk (1:5 ratio) for a couple of hours. This helps prepare the paper to suck up the plant dyes.

Next we arranged the plants on the soy soaked paper and rolled some up onto wood off cuts, and sandwiched some between tiles. All tied securely and firmly.

Then into the steamer for 2 hours ♨️

It’s always so exciting to unwrap and reveal what we’ve created! This process is so filled with discovery and there are many wonderful books, courses, YouTube and Instagram clips on eco-printing processes, if you’re interested to learn more.

We’re both excited to use these eco-papers in our art!

What a pleasure to co-create with Mother Nature and loved ones.

Browse my blog for more calming nature art experiments and intuitive art classes HERE

💖 Chrissy


Chrissy Foreman | Neurodivergent Artist & Art Therapist.

Colourful Weekend in Melbourne


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